Department Of Mechatronics Engineering
The department of Mechatronics has started by the Institute from A.Y. 2020-21 with a UG program of intake capacity of 60 and PG program of intake 12. This program is approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to the DBATU, Lonere.

Dr. S. K. Shikalgar
HOD Message
Name:Dr. S. K. Shikalgar
Designation: Associate Professor, IQAC Coordinator & HOD
Qualification: BE (Electronics), ME (Electronics), Ph.D. (Electrical & Electronics Engg.)
Area of specialization: Image Processing
Teaching Experience: 18 Years
Industrial Experience:0
E mail: s.stamboli@gmail.com
Vision & Mission
To be a centre of excellence in Mechatronics Engineering education to prepare professionally competent engineers with lifelong learning attitude for the accomplishment of ever-growing needs of society.
- To prepare technically and professionally competent engineers by imparting quality education through effective teaching learning methodologies and providing stimulating environment for research and innovation.
- To develop professional skills and right attitude in students that will help them to succeed and progress in their personal and professional career.
- To imbibe moral and ethical values in students with concern to society and environment

Quality Policy
Department of Mechatronics Engineering is committed to impartvalue based education to produce socially responsible professionalsby promoting research, innovation, entrepreneurship and training in Mechatronics engineering and allied domains.